
Geology - Geotechnics Print Friendly and PDF -A | +A

Our activities cover a wide range of geological, geotechnical engineering and engineering geology analysis and design. The office has the necessary equipment and computer programs (software), performing the following geological, geotechnical design or applications:

Analysis of natural and cut slopes, landslide hazard evaluations, design of earth retaining structures, bedrock landslides and rock fall, landslide stabilization systems, soil erosion.

RETAINING WALLS: Design of gravity walls, cantilever walls and Berlinoise system walls.

SUB-BASES OF STRUCTURES: Geotechnical engineering, engineering geology and laboratory tests for sub-bases of roads, railroad, transportation embankments, ramps, pavement layers.

HYDRAULIC PROJECTS & STRUCTURES: Geotechnical and geology engineering recommendations, analysis and design for dams, coffer dams, reservoir lakes, pipelines, sanitary-storm water-flood protection, drainage and collection of surface water, regulation and development of spring water, aquifer pumping tests on boreholes, potential areas localization for groundwater.

WASTE DISPOSAL SITES: Design of new waste landfills or restoration of existing. Evaluation of geology and hydrogeology, foundation, slope stability, consolidation of waste mass, daily and final cover, waterproofing.

COASTAL STRUCTURES: Geotechnical and geology engineering recommendations, analysis and design for seawalls, bulkheads, breakwaters, groins, jetties and piers, docks, platforms.

SOIL IMPROVEMENT TECHNIQUES: We design and perform, treatment by chemical additives, by preload and use of vertical drains, vibratory compaction, pressure injection of cement grout.

GEOLOGICAL SURVEY: For regional, spatial and urban planning, town expanding, landscape urbanism and architecture, transport and environmental planning.

EXPERTISES FOR THE SAFE FOUNDATION OF: Houses or other buildings and constructions, sheds, barns, garages, industrial and commercial buildings, kit homes, log cabins, tanks, pillars, bridge abutments, buildings with many basements. Include design solutions with monopile, pad, strip, raft foundations, spread footing, footing on piles and gravel piles.

RENEWABLE ENERGY, ENERGY FARMS: We provide geologic and geotechnical recommendations, analysis and design for solar energy and wind power plants, we assess risks posed by earthquake, wind load and site conditions. Include dimension the foundation of the wind turbines and the photovoltaic panels.

GIS APPLICATIONS: Geographic information systems, remote sensing and aerial interpretation, geological - geomorfological mapping, CAD digitization.

GEOLOGICAL MAPPING, ANALYSIS: Structural geology, geomorfological analysis and cross sections.

BORROW, STOCKPILE AREAS: Geologic and geotechnical recommendations and localization of proper areas for borrow pits, small quarries and earth stockpile materials, engineering laboratory tests for the classification of rock, gravel, sand and soil materials, area and volume calculations.

DRILLED MICROPILES: Design and construction of micropiles with maximum diameter 250 mm in vertical position, employ a bar, rod or pipe and grouted in place with neat cement (water and Portland cement).

Please see here a selection of pictures from our activity concerning geological and geotechnical projects.


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