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Engineering geologist, MSc soil mechanics UTCB
Minister Dep. for Public Works, registration nr: 15530
Address: Stymfalias 13, ALIMOS CP 17456, Athens/Greece
T:00302109845606, M:00306944968113 , F:00302109942606

eMail: info@geoedrasi.gr; s.halkitis@gmail.com

Public and private geotechnical works throughtout the country, mainland and the islands.

The office is collaborating with technicians and scientists of various disciplines to solve complicated problems thus achieving high expectations and quality results.

Depending on the peculiarities and circumstances of each ongoing study/ work a group of various collaborates such as topographers, mine engineers, environmentalists, architects, agronomists are involved.

For technical offices / companies, we undertake subcontracting activities; we are interesting for cooperation with technical and consulting offices and/ or individuals.

For your guidance in relation to the works interesting you, you may request quotas and technical information and we are encouraging you to ask for any clarification via e-mail.

We investigate and advise for the better solution, free of charge, for the works you are planning to undergo.

Following a meticulous consideration for the works you are planning to perform the tasks necessary will be indicate and you will be advised as well for other optional solutions so that you may have the possibility to choose the one that feet your needs.

The delivery of works is swift and consistent; the financial tender is the best in the market.

Whether you are, a self-employer individual and / or established company you may notify us of the services you can offer, so that we may include you in the dossier of office cooperators.

Directly we opt for services, promptly reducing the intermediates and the cost of the works you referred too.

Our website is at frequent intervals updated with new material; please visit us again.

Thank you for visiting our website.

!Do you have a facebook account? Please take a second and give us a “Like” and we give feedback to you!

Please dont' hesitate to contact us for any enquiries you might have.


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